Tuesday, July 26, 2011


One of the nice things about having a friend and coworker who is heavy into crafting is having the advantage of learning about all the "in" things in the areas of crafting without having to attend conferences and workshops to learn about them.  My friend Erica Cerwin, an SU demonstrator, recently returned from the National Stampin'Up Conference and raved about how pinwheels were the newest in thing....they were everywhere.  So I decided to try my hand at making something with these pinwheels.  This is what I came up with....we all love to entertain so I decided to make a placemat using pinwheels.  I chose to use some tropical prints and colors.  They so reminded me of our recent trip to Orlando, Florida.  Obviously, you could use this idea for holiday gatherings, birthday parties...the possibilities are endless.

Hope this inspires some of you to try your hand at making some pinwheels they were fun and super easy to make.

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